
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Now I Lay Me Down To Blog


What is all the hoopla about blogging? All writers must have a blog. At least that’s what I heard. So guess what? I now have a blog. This is my first entry. I call my blog THE LAKE EFFECT. I thought it was clever because my name is Krystell Lake and because I live near Lake Michigan. This Chicago lake effect thing happens quite often where I live. First, I asked a few random people what the lake effect was all about. There was talk of rain and snow but I still had to seek clarification. My next step was to check Wikipedia. Without Wikipedia we would all wither and die. Honestly could you image life without it? It would be like living without a cell phone.

The first thing to pop up from Google was a 2010 movie filmed in Kalamazoo Michigan called The Lake Effect. This film I never heard of with actors I had never heard of. No comment so I’m on to the next. Just so you know The Lake Effect is also an acapella group of five men that performs in the western New York region. I never heard any music from this group so I can’t give any review on their singing abilities. I’m wondering why it’s all guys?

The Merriam Webster online dictionary defines Lake Effect as a meteorological phenomenon in which warm moist air rising from a body of water mixes with dry cold air overhead resulting in precipitation – usually hyphenated when used attributively <lake-effect snows>. Love this, warm moist + dry cold = precipitation. I decided to take this meaning and make it my own. My story ideas are a mixture of different genres that result a finished novel. I don’t feel that’s too off the mark. So this is my first blog. I will try to write on every week on a random topic. It’s 12:43am. I am exhausted and as the title so accurately read, Now I Lay Me Down To Blog.


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